
Message From God

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Literature Text

~Message From God~

I look out over the world from my balcony
Watching the Earth, reveling in the beauty of this creation
I see the plains and the mountains
Deserts and oases
Cities and single cabins in the middle of nowhere
Beggars and millionaires
Newborn babies and elderly victims of Alzheimer's
Humans and animals
Creatures and nature
I watch as the rivers tumble over cliffs into blue, blue lagoons
As plumes of smoke drift ominously into the sickly gray sky
As little children bring carefully sought-after butterflies to their mothers
As warriors fight for a cause which seems to be lost after such long wars
As a doe nuzzles her fawn, a bird feeds her chick, a lioness cleans her cub
As smog fills the lungs of young asthmatic children
I see everything and feel everything
The joy, sorrow, and anger
The love, fear, and hope
I see all this like so many colors splashed on a canvas
Forming life as a painting
And I would gather it in my arms
Crush it to my heart
Soak it all in and heal every pain of every creature with my tears if they'd only let me
I see
I know
I feel
I love
I Am.
Theme Challenge #61.

I've felt the need to get this out all day, so I did. You don't have to, but I certainly believe in God, and this is my impression of what He sees and what He'd do if people would only let him.
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